... Since earlier times to the colonisation and Western Univision of European origins, in our Abya Ayala (an indigenous and ancestral name that means "Land of Abundant fruits", of the continent now known as America) there have been cultural, political and spiritual exchanges and encounters between the diverse peoples of our continent, where the various comprehensive worldviews of our peoples were brought together. More than 500 years of colonization and ancestral resistance ancestral continue.
At present throughout Abya Ayala, there is an outbreak and spread of collective art, ancient integral rituals that deepen and exalt our identities, emancipation, sovereignty and spirituality, and that since recently have been integrated.
Honduras, bridge in the heart of America, a country submerged, always on the upward spiral and alienating systematic violence, which currently occupies with alarming figures first place as the most violent country in the world. From Honduras have emerged in recent years from so much blood, violence, repression, predation and exclusion ... artistic seeds that teem all around the country and that make necessary and urgent the systematising, organising and integration of these collective artistic demonstrations, within our strategies of resistance and emancipation. Creating spaces of support and artistic struggle in zones that are yet more serious and vulnerable to land conflicts, to the violation of human rights, and to predation. To have more senses and sensibilities that perceive, denounce, make visible and fight against impunity, violence, repression and terrorism promoted by the state and media power groups. Although all Honduras is  kidnapped and immersed in this historic pseudoreality of colonisation, we are always with soul, spirit and reason, resisting since our ancestors, because our memory is organic and forever present.
The proposal will be held crosswise in Honduras, beginning near the Gulf of Fonseca and ending on the Atlantic coast, The purpose of our proposal is: Realise the itinerant “Primer Encuentro Campamento de Muralismo y Arte Colectivo” - the “First Meeting Camp of Collective Muralism and  Arts”, to be held for 50 days, from April 9th to May 27th, 2016, in 6 areas of Honduras systematically, seven days in each zone, starting in Pespire, Choluteca; Cantarranas, Francisco Morazan.; Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán; San Marcos de Santa Barbara; Rio Blanco, COPINH, Intibucá; and Sambo Creak, Garifuna community, La Ceiba. These are some areas recovered or in struggle that are being constantly threatened by conflicts of invasion, usurpation and evictions promoted by national landlords and foreign corporations, in collusion with the entire political, military, judiciary and media apparatus of the Honduran state. This is aggravated through the installation that promotes the ZEDEs, better known as "Model Cities", large scale industrial sites, with their own financial rules and policies, and consortia that want to continue destroying our Mother Earth, privatizing rivers, building dams on sacred sites for our ancestral peoples, displacing indigenous communities, destroying our ecosystem poisoned with deadly chemicals to develop its criminal mining in our soils,. They violate and injure human rights, sovereignty and the environment, and in other communities, with a historical and strategic significance, for our artistic awareness raising work.
Invited national and international artists, will  be able to come when they have the possibility, either to just one site or to all, according to their availability, as it is clear that the conditions in each area will be different, of which we will inform them a month before the meeting. Each Muralist will join the collective community that is organized once the event has started in each space.

Create art spaces in Honduras of expression, identity, consciousness, collective and community work, among the various peoples, through the realisation of the “Primer Encuentro de los Pueblos de Muralismo Colectivo y Comunitario en Honduras” - the “First Meeting of the People of Collective and Community Muralism in Honduras”.
v  Realise a convocation and invitation to diverse people, artists, muralists, collectives and interested people, in particular from Latin America and from other parts of the world, to participate in the FIRST MEETING OF THE PEOPLE OF COLLECTIVE AND COMMUNITY MURALISM IN HONDURAS, which reflects our diverse identities and integrates in voices of diverse colours our identity and ancestral resistance struggles for emancipation.
v  Develop during the months of April and May 2016, in six communities in Honduras, with different issues in one single context, from the south to the north of the country, divided into seven days, five collective community murals in each community, measuring from 5 x 2 meters at least to 10 x 4 meters at most, in acrylic and with collective and community processes.
v  Share and integrate our diverse forms and methods of struggle as native peoples in resistance, through collective and community art. In favour of our different cosmovisions, identity, integral struggles and against the systematic attacks on our communities and the land, by colonial, criminal and media groups.

·           To create a general steering group, with representatives from all the communities involved and international partners.  Who will be corresonded with regarding the management and financing of materials and transport internal in Honduras. November 2015
·           Some members of the coordinating team will be responsible in their communities, who will organise the groups of facilitators in each community, manage with the general population, community institutions, food, lodging, internal transport, walls, and the conditions required for the event. November-December 2015
·           The coordination meetings will be conducted through the network or in person, depending on the availability of the coordinators members. January 2016
·           Creation of groups of facilitators in each community to manage the walls, creating the conditions for the development of the murals. Lodging, meals and internal transportation in the community as well as promotion in communities. January 2016
·           Realisation of the proposal and scheduling/ calendar creation for the event. Enero 2016
·           Making, promotion and invitation to the event, through all the available means of promotion, to the participating artists, who will manage the return ticket  from their country to Honduras and vice versa. January 2016
·           The work realised with the invited artists integrated in the different communities. April-May 2016
·           The funds that will be generated and are required for the event, we will administer through a solidarity organisation, that could be COPINH, OFRANEH, COFADEH, or any available organisation. January-May 2016
·           The Individual directly responsible for the project will be the Muralist Javier Edgardo Espinal Aguilar. All the process of execution of the project will be done collectively, with the communities and artists – (including with Javier Espinal as artist).
·           A general inauguration event will be realised, and another of closing of the event, both at  general level for the event, and specifically in each community, with invited popular artists. April-May 2016
·           All the process of each mural, will be realised in a collective way, integrating one or several artists with the participating groups from the communities.
·           The murals will be created in acryllic, in walls of prepared spaces, that will measure from 10 x 2 metres to 5 x 2 metres.
·           The themes will be picked in a collective manner in each community, according to the theme of the Muralist Encounter, as much as the complete realisation of the process.
·           The process will last 7 days in each community, allowing 3 days between each community, for the transfer and conditioning of the participating team.
·           The social and environmental impact will be perceived and measured permanently, as the murals will stay publically visible in strategic places in the communities and there will be photographic and video monitoring/ following of the community participation process.
·           Images of the finished wall and collective development processes will be used to serve various forms of broadcasting through printed and visual campaigns, to support the communities struggles, to raise awareness of different sectors, villages and cities at the national and International level.

·           A blog will be created with all the previous information (the call out, registration, logistics, etc.) during and after the meeting.